System Automation
E-Tech Systems is a leading company in system automation for pedestrian and vehicle access. We offer a range of solutions for different needs and scenarios, such as pedestrian gates, secure portals, terminal automation, toll collection and car park systems.
Our products are designed to enhance security, efficiency, revenue collection and convenience for our customers. Whether you need to control the access of people or vehicles to your premises, we have the right solution. Contact us today to find out more about our system automation services.
Automatic Systems
E-Tech Systems is the regional partner to AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS a world leader in the automation of secure entrance control. Founded in 1969, Automatic Systems has developed a unique know-how in the design of high-end obstacles, one-person detection and throughput management making it a brand renowned for the high quality of its products in terms of performance and reliability.
E-Tech Systems is the regional partner to AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS a world leader in the automation of secure entrance control. Founded in 1969, Automatic Systems has developed a unique know-how in the design of high-end obstacles, one-person detection and throughput management making it a brand renowned for the high quality of its products in terms of performance and reliability.
Port & Terminal Automation
E-Tech Systems is the solution partner in the Caribbean to NASCENT a world leader and top ranked Container Terminal and Distribution Centre Automation solutions provider. E-Tech proudly offers the enVision® Portal by NASCENT. The open-air, free-standing structure utilizes an array of specialized detection and imaging technologies to automatically capture and process container, chassis, and trailer data in real time and report it instantly to Terminal Operation Systems (TOS). With NASCENT’s expertise in Terminal Automation at our side, E-Tech Systems can design and implement a modern and robust Terminal Automation Solution. NASCENT covers the full range of systems encountered across the world, thus enabling E-Tech to confidently undertake all sorts of innovative projects in Container Terminal and Distribution Centre Automation.
Toll Collection
E-Tech Systems is the solution partner in the Caribbean to G.E.A. one of the world’s leading and top ranked Toll Equipment and Software Company. With G.E.A.’s expertise in Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) at their side, E-Tech Systems can design and implement a modern and robust Toll Collection System. G.E.A. covers the full range of systems encountered across the world, thus enabling E-Tech to confidently undertake all kinds of innovative projects in electronic toll collection.

Parking System
E-Tech Systems works directly with TIBA a world leader in PARCS manufacture to design and Implement state of the art Parking Access & Revenue Control Systems. Since 1986 TIBA has designed and manufactured PARCS for customer worldwide. In designing the system we placed an emphasis on simplicity, modular components, superior technology and flexible software. This has resulted in a PARCS system that is very reliable, user friendly and extremely cost competitive. With TIBA’s flexible software design (then and now), we were able to take advantage of the latest technology and software platforms without a concern for legacy compatibility issues.
Secure Control
Our company has developed an endless number of commercial and residential projects, from design stage to the supervision and finalization of the system installation. All systems are customized (from fabrication to automation) to suit the customer’s specific need. A specific solution design for each of our client will control traffic flow for Buildings, Roll Roads, Air and Sea Ports, Commercial Car Park (automatic ticketing system). Whatever you need we can provide it securing your property managing; Pedestrian and Vehicle: Car, Trucks, Tractor Trailer, Boats and Ships.